Growing Together Podcast

Beginner Farmer Program with Colorado Agriculture Development Authority
On today’s episode we will be discussing CADA’s Beginner Farmer Program with Jim Rubingh, CADA Director and Cody Ridennoure, CADA Board member and

The Future of Agriculture with Rocky Ford FFA
On today’s podcast, we will be talking about the Future of Agriculture in Colorado with the Rocky Ford FFA.

Canning and Preserving with CSU Extension
Today we are discussing canning and preserving with Abby Weber of CSU Extension office.

Excavation Safety with Colorado 811
Today we are discussing Excavation safety with Colorado 811 and Todd Griffeth and Dillon Pike. Colorado 811 – Call Before You Dig

Conservation Districts and Agriculture with Nancy Aschermann and DJ Wright
Today we are discussing Conservation Districts and Agriculture with Nancy Aschermann and DJ Wright. Otero County and Olney Springs/Boone Conservation District

Community Supported Agriculture with Eric Hannagan of Hannagan Farms
Today we are talking with Eric Hannagan of Hannagan Farms about Community Supported Agriculture.

Paycheck Protection Program with the President 1st National Bank of La Junta
Today we are talking to Marvin Schlegel, the President of 1st National Bank of La Junta about the Paycheck Protection Program.

Fuel for Agriculture with Carey Soto, Stier Oil
Carey Soto with Stier Oil. Today’s topic is a discussion on Fuel for Agriculture. Visit Stier Oil on Facebook

Wright-Oakes Hemp With Dion Oaks
February 2nd Dion Oakes Co-Owner Wright-Oakes LLC 719-849-1168 do********@gm***.com

Happy Busy Bees: Beekeeping Insights with Joe Komperda
January 26th Joe Komperda Master Beekeeping Insights Happy Busy Bees / Average Joe Beekeeper Be*******@Ha***********.com 303-304-6459

Lower Arkansas Valley Water Conservation and Quality With Michael Weber
January 19th Michael Weber Water Conservation and Quality Lower Arkansas Valley Water Conservancy District mw****@lo******.com 719- 254-5115

Rocky Ford Hemp Company With Hemp Grower Ryan Wainer
Ryan Wainer Hemp Grower Rocky Ford Hemp Company ro******************@gm***.com 951-760-3435 Rocky Ford Hemp Company Instagram