AVSeeds Low Grow Mix is a mixture of perennial, cool season, drought tolerant, grass seeds suitable for areas where mowing is difficult or not desirable. It grows an average of 8″-12″ a year with normal rain fall in the Intermountain region and the Desert Southwest, grows up to 10,000 ft. This mix is a great soil stabilizer and it is very compatible with our wildflower mixes.
Low Grow Mix Contains:
30% Ephraim Crested Wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum)
Slightly rhizomatous bunchgrass with germination in 14-21 days. Drought resistant and winter hardy with a deep root system making it an excellent soil binder. Crested wheatgrass is well adapted to stabilization of disturbed soils and does well on a variety of soil types.
25% Sheep Fescue (Festuca ovina)
Bunchgrass with germination in 14-21 days. Well adapted to most soil conditions and is great for soil erosion control and low maintenance mixtures.
20% Perennial Rye (Lolium perenne)
Bunchgrass with germination in 5-10 days. One of the most widely used grasses and is adaptable to a wide variety of soils and climate conditions. It has a leafy head and fine stem.
15% Chewings Fescue (Festuca rubra subsp. commutata)
Bunchgrass with germination in 7-21 days. Fine fescue that is shade tolerant and requires little water. Persists in dry soils and infertile soils.
10% Fults Alkaligrass
Cool season bunch/Sod-forming grass with germination in 14-21 days. Often used for soil stabilization.
For new seeding, broadcast at 20-25Lbs./acre or drilled at 15-20Lbs. /acre. For over-seeding, broadcast at 10-15Lbs./acre or drilled at 5-10Lbs./acre.
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